You know you're avoiding work when you think, "You know what I need to do?

"Make a website. Yeah. That's what I need to do."

So here it is. It's under construction, and there are still some pages being uploaded, but rest assured it's all coming. I appreciate your patience (and your very existence as a reader!) while I get things sorted out.

As of this post, there are poems up but little else. More to come, depending on how very hard I'm avoiding my work.
11/10/2012 09:16:44 pm

Wow. I LOVE this! I will check everyday, so get off your butt and write! But, first, do your homework...

Rondo the Giant
12/21/2012 02:13:35 am

I am looking forward to the return of Feathers to these United States. She has been gone far too long, and her room is rather dusty. Her father's mind and heart have grown rather dusty as well in her absence. He will be glad to have her under his roof again, safe and sound and happy, when his mind and heart will become warm, clear, and content.


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